Development of a nation with CANNABIS PLANT .

A nation is developed by the taxes which we pay to the government. Now the government needs money more than ever to develop the nation without any stoppage. SO where can we get a huge amount of money ??? The answer is simple, medical marijuana. I am not saying make marijuana legal in the whole country. I am saying make it legal in a specific place and see how much money it generates.

Legalizing marijuana in the whole USA would create at least $132 billion in tax revenue and more than a million new jobs across the United State in the next decade.

Nepal is a perfect country for the production of medical marijuana. If we could produce it and export it to the US which is a growing market we can make a lot of money and we could create a lot of jobs for the people of Nepal.

Marijuana addiction is rare.An epidemiological study showed that only 9 percent of those who use marijuana end up being clinically dependent on it. The ‘comparable rates’ for tobacco, alcohol, and cocaine stood at 32 percent, 15 percent, and 16 percent respectively.

People will definitely say that legalizing marijuana will increase its consumption but the places which have legalized medical marijuana have seen the decrease in the use of marijuana from teenagers and the decrease in the use of other drugs and medicines. People have started to use medical marijuana instead of painkillers and sleeping pills.

The important thing is people need to be educated and people need to stop being ignorant of the fact that a plant is present on the earth which can help you in your day to day life.

Legalizing marijuana will :

1. Eliminate illegal trade and associate crimes
Marijuana legalization (or decriminalization) will replace the black market production and distribution with an ‘overboard industry’. There will be rules and regulations but the trade will be ‘populated by the government, farmers, merchants and retails clerks, not by criminals or drug dealers’.

2. Taxing marijuana will increase government’s revenue
By legalizing and taxing marijuana, the government will stand to earn huge amounts of revenue that will otherwise go to the Italian and Israeli drug cartels. In an open letter to US President George Bush, around 500 economists, led by Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman, called for marijuana to be “legal but taxed and regulated like other goods”.

3. It will create job opportunities
Legalization of marijuana for recreational and medical purposes in Colorado has created 10,000 new jobs in the area. There are a plethora of jobs that can be created by the marijuana industry and help reduce Nepal’s unemployment rate.

4. Marijuana use has medical benefits
Studies have shown that marijuana use has dozens of medical benefits. It treats glaucoma, prevents cancer from spreading to other parts of the body, reduces anxiety, slows the progress of Alzheimer’s disease, improves metabolism and is even said to spur creativity in our brain.

“Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.”

Bob Marley

Hemp in Building Construction

The second most consumed product only after food is concrete. Production of cement is also a very huge contributor to the pollution of the air. We can substitute most of the concrete with hemp.

So what is Hempcrete ?

Basically Hempcrete is a mixture of the shiv of hemp, lime and water. Hemp shiv is the chopped up, wooden core of the hemp plant.shiv of hemp.jpg

Due to high demand in construction and automotive industry there is an increase in cultivation of hemp plant across Europe; France, Germany and The UK comprise 7.8% of the total hectares harvested.

So why to use Hempcrete?

  1. Only having 1/7th to 1/8th of the weight of concrete its lightweight.
  2. Since it has 0.3% THC and high level of silica it cant be consumed like marijuana.
  3. Since this is a plant, while reaching maturity Carbon dioxide is absorbed. This effect is helped by lime while turning into limestone.
  4. Regulation of a building’s humidity and temperature, which reduces condensation, and energy consumption while improving thermal comfort.
  5. Provides natural air tight, breathable, flexible, toxin free insulation which is impervious to mold and pests and which is also highly resistant to fire.
  6. The outer bark of the stalk can be used to give textures to the walls.

Difficulties with hempcrete

  1. Hempcrete is only strong in compression.
  2. With a 4 person team 16 sq. meter per day can be constructed.
  3. Specialized equipment and personels are needed.
  4. The site team needs to become familiar with the product to get consistency of the mix and efficiency in construction.


“The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this.”

-Albert Einstein on Hemp



I am a civil engineer, and also an advocate for medical marijuana and hemp. During the first three years in college, I did not find any subject which grabbed my interest, which made me think this is what I want to do. But it all changed when I started my final year. Each and every fourth year knows what pain it is to search a topic for your final year project.

For me, the only hard part was to find what I loved. While everyone was thinking of their final year project I was thinking what I want to do for the rest of my life; I was searching for the thing I loved. Then one “HIGH” day the answer was clear, or should I say “Highly Clear” 😀 :D. The thing which I had a great appreciation for, which changed me into a better person, which helps me on a daily basis was right in front of me sitting on a white piece of paper. At that exact moment, I knew I wanted to do something mixing the stuff I love and the thing I studied.

That night I scoured the web on how marijuana can be used in civil engineering. The answer I found made me more excited. It was hemp. The more I studied about hemp the more I thought ” Why don’t we use hemp. We can make a shit load of useful things while saving the fucking environment.” This is how I became in love with hemp and medical marijuana and found what I wanted to do.

Finding the thing you love to do is just pure luck. Some people might find it early while some might not find it until they are old. You just have to flow with the time like water flows in the environment; you will find your container.


Thanks for joining me!

“The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.” — Willie Nelson.



An amazing place… Even if its a little humid … From start till now .. it has been two amazing days in thailand. The first town Phuket had an awesome beginning and a more awesome ending . Started the day by tavelling to phi phi island.

The boat ride was one of the epic rides of my life. The sea and the sky equally blue. The only thing is when u get wet in sea water and dry yourself you will have so much salt in your conpany 😂😂.

That night was one of those moments which dont happen so often … I was in a reggae club 😎😎 … The vibe was awesome




Information on Cannabis

Cannabis originally comes from Asia, where we live. It’s not knows exactly where it comes from, but researchers have pointed out a region of central Asia that covers part of Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal. There is no surprise that some of the world’s best hashish and marijuana comes from these areas.

Indica, Sativa and Ruderalis – What are they?

The cannabis plant is incredibly diverse. It grows in every continent except for Antarctica. The marijuana plant is different in different areas of the world, as they have evolved to deal with the specific local environment.

In the more southerly reaches of India, where it is hot and tropical, we find Cannabis Sativa. A thousand kilometers or so north of that, in Pakistan and Afghanistan, we find Cannabis Indica. And even further north of that, in the cold steppes of northern Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia, we find a type that we call Cannabis Ruderalis.

Cannabis Sativa: Child of the Tropics

Cannabis sativa is the tall, graceful sister. Often growing to a height of three meters or more, she has long, widely-spaced branches and narrow, slender leaves. Her flowers grow in clusters along her branches.

Lower-yielding varieties usually finish with small, delicate buds dotted along the branches. Higher yielders end up with gigantic flower clusters that can be as long and thick as your arm! This growing pattern allows airflow through branches and flowers, which helps the plant endure the hot, humid temperatures and avoid mold.

Cannabis Indica: Rugged Mountain Queen

Compared to sativa, Cannabis indica is the short, thick sister – and no less attractive by any measure! She grows to just one meter or so, and has tightly-spaced branches and fat, wide leaves. Her flowers grow in tight, fat nugs, and she produces a huge amount of resin – great for making hashish or cannabis extract!

Her compact, tightly-packed structure protects her from the cold, windy conditions common in her mountainous homeland. She is aggressively seasonal and starts flowering as soon as the days become short enough to indicate that winter is approaching.

Cannabis Ruderalis: Wildling of the Frozen North

Lastly, Cannabis ruderalis is the wild, mysterious sister with unique hidden gifts. She is much smaller and thinner than her two big sisters, and her sparse flowers do not produce much resin at all – but her unique ability to autoflower is what makes her essential to many breeders worldwide. This ability again is an adaptation to local conditions – she lives in regions with summers so short that plants must flower automatically in order to finish in time.

Now that we’ve discussed the appearance of these three types of cannabis in a little more detail, let’s talk about the flavors, aromas and effects they possess, and their usefulness for medicinal and recreational users.

“Instead of taking five or six of the prescriptions, I decided to go a natural route and smoke marijuana.”

Melissa Etheridge



So what exactly is hemp? 

Hemp is a fibre of cannabis plant, extracted from the stem and used to make rope, strong fabrics, paper, clothes. It has over 50,000 uses and its still continuing to grow.

The reason I am telling hemp should be used especially in Nepal is because of the three basic reasons :

  1. Creation of Jobs
  2. Making the Environment Clean.
  3. Using it to facilitate our lives.

People might be wonder how can a simple little green plant accomplish such feats. This is how i think hemp will accomplish those three things.

  1. Creation of Jobs

Currently people living in Nepal all need jobs more than ever. Most of the Nepalese youths go to foreign country to earn money. The decrease in the number of people in Nepal has decreased the workforce of the country. You can’t be angry at them, they got to do what they got to do.

Here comes hemp to the rescue. We will be needing farmers to grow hemp, the first job. We will need people to transport hemp, the second job. We will need people to take care of the money, the third job. We will need people to research on it, you get the point. A single plant will create so much more jobs, so much more opportunity that people dont have to go out of the country to earn money. 🙂 🙂

2. Making the Environment Clean:

Hemp is a plant., What do plants do? Take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. The more hemp we plant the more carbon dioxide it will absorb and more oxygen we get. Each ton of hemp grown is equal to 1.63 tons of carbon dioxide absorbed from the environment (HEMP GLOBAL SOLUTIONS). Hemp is typically ready to harvest in four months, and per acre it produces four times as much paper as trees, which take many years to reach maturity for harvest. The environment gets cleaner as we keep on using hemp 😀 :D.

3. Using HEMP to facilitate our lives:

Hemp can be a substitute for paper, cotton, fuel and many more.

For paper you need to plant a tree and wait for it to grow for 20-50 years before harvesting paper. Hemp needs 4 months. There is no tree or plant species on earth that is capable of producing as much paper per acre as hemp.

Hemp fibre is 10 times stronger than cotton and can be used to make all types of clothing. Cotton only grows in warm climates and requires enormous amount of water whereas hemp requires little water and grows everywhere. Hemp produces 2 times more fibre per acre as cotton. In a 25 sq. mile of land planted with hemp it can produce enough fibre in one year to make 100 million pairs of denim jeans.

Building materials that are a subsitute for wood can be made cheaper than wood from trees. Substitute for concrete, bricks can also be accomplished by using hemp. (I will be diving into construction and hemp in my next writing)

Hemp puts a lot less strain on the soil and ultimately the Earth. This means there is less use of chemical fertilizers resulting is less runoff water thus less water and soil pollution.

hemp pic2

This Diagram gives little glimpse into the use of hemp in out day to day life 🙂 🙂 🙂

Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?

-Henry Ford